The most recent iteration of the company’s VST standard is VST3. At the format level, VST stands for Virtual Studio Technology and was invented by audio developer Steinberg in 1996 for use in its Cubase DAW. The term VST can be used in the broad sense to refer to all music plugins in general (and this is how we’re using it primarily in this list) or, confusingly, a specific format of music plugin. Put simply, a VST is a plugin instrument, audio effect, or MIDI effect that you can load into a separate application, usually a DAW (see below). Best loop-based/best sampler/best ROMpler: Native Instruments Kontakt 6.Best for pros: Spectrasonics Omnisphere.Best for beginners: Roland Cloud Juno-106.

Here are our picks for the best synth VSTs on the market now. There will always be a place for physical musical instruments but right now, many of the most exciting things in music production are happening in the computing realm. And all at a fraction of the cost of hardware. Listeners surely don’t notice! And, because synth VSTs aren’t bound by real-world rules, advanced features, new and novel forms of synthesis, and astonishing, built-in effects are par for the course. Whether you can hear the difference in the mix arguably doesn’t even matter anymore. Thanks to ever-improving computing power, the sound of these virtual synthesizers-which load into your computer as plugins in a DAW, or digital audio workstation-are now almost indistinguishable from their hardware counterparts. Fueling the fire of this production revolution are top-quality synth VST (Virtual Studio Technology) instruments and effects. What used to be a prohibitively expensive endeavor that required thousands of dollars of pricey hardware and outboard gear is now possible with a laptop, a decent set of studio monitors, and a MIDI controller. There’s never been a better time to make music.